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Why aren’t more people taking advantage of Ticket to Work?

Published on August 2nd, 2013

Have you heard of the Ticket to Work program? If you’re new to our blog or are not familiar with the Social Security Disability system, chances are you may not have heard of it. Offered by the Social Security Administration, this program offers individuals with a disability the chance to reenter the workforce while still qualifying to receive benefits as well.

From many Illinois residents’ standpoints, this is an incredibly helpful program that can help them not only receive help for their disability but create further financial stability by returning to work. But why are more people not taking advantage of this program? Is there something holding them back?

If you’re like a majority of our readers, the answer to this question might be yes. That’s because some beneficiaries may be told that they cannot return to work if they are collecting disability or Supplemental Security Benefits. While the Social Security Administration insists that beneficiaries may qualify to return to work and keep their benefits, some SSA workers may not know this and are inadvertently denying people the chance to become financially independent once more.

It’s also important to consider what is reported by the media too. In a recent report issued by the Washington Examiner, despite the jobless rate going down, beneficiaries collecting disability and SSI benefits are still having a hard time finding work. This may be because of the confusing requirements handed down by SSA that govern how much income they are allowed to make in order to keep their benefits.

Although programs such as the Ticket to Work program are designed to help beneficiaries lead better lives, the information on how to enroll and what to maintain eligibility for other benefits often gets lost between miscommunications and complicated wording. In the end, some people may not be taking advantage of such programs because they simply do not even know they exist.

Sources: Opposing Views, “Study: Many People Getting Disability Checks Say They Could Work,” Michael Allen, July 30, 2013

Social Security Administration, “Are You A Social Security Beneficiary? Learn About Ticket To Work!”

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