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White House asked to consider raising SSI limits in new budget

Published on May 3rd, 2013

It’s little surprise to a majority of people here in Illinois that as the years continue to tick by so too ticks up the rate of inflation. As the price for one good goes up, so do all the connected goods as well. Usually controlled by the Consumer Price Index, or CPI, it’s a fact of life most Americans don’t even think about on a daily basis.

But for people with limited income and resources, such as those receiving Supplemental Security Income or disability benefits, the ever rising cost of living and prices on consumer goods can mean the difference between having a meal or having a roof over your head. It’s a problem Jeff Rosen, chair of the National Council on Disability, wants President Obama to address in his new budget plans this year.

In a letter to the president last month, Rosen requested that the White House make considerable updates to the SSI program this year. According to Rosen, the limits enforced by the current SSI program have not been updated since 1989 and are so out of date that they are forcing many hardworking Americans into severe poverty. In his letter, he’s requesting that the White House consider raising the limits, such as the cash resource allowance, to improve beneficiary well-being all across the country.

Rosen also says that the way SSI benefits are affected by a person in the workforce is also considerably harmful to promoting growth and financial stability. Even looking at the Social Security Administration’s website people can see that the initial exemption from a person’s paycheck is far too low when you take into consideration the costs today compared to those 20 years ago.

We need common-sense program reforms, Rosen explained, urging the president to consider how much good these changes would have on such a large portion of the population in the end.

Source: Disability Scoop, “White House Urged to Raise SSI Limits,” Michelle Diament, April 19, 2013


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