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Unrepresented SSI Claimants & Your Chances for Obtaining Benefits

Published on November 25th, 2020

Applying for SSI (Supplemental Social Income) assistance is a long and demanding task which far too many individuals try to handle on their own. At Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, we’re Illinois disability lawyers with more than 100 years of combined experience helping disabled individuals secure SSI benefits, and we want to help you.

Here are five ways our experienced Social Security disability attorneys can assist you and increase your chances of securing the SSI benefits to which you’re entitled.

  1. Preparation of Your Initial Claim

In filing your initial claim, an experienced disability attorney will make sure your application contains the information that will maximize your benefit payment and minimize your wait time. At Rabin & Associates, we’ll make sure your claim is filed the right way.

  1. Filing Appeals

The sad truth is that despite the demanding work that goes into their preparation, most initial claims for SSI benefits are denied, followed by numerous appeals with strict filing deadlines. That makes preparing appeals and meeting appeal deadlines a vital part of a disability attorney’s job.

  1. Collection of Evidence

A disability attorney will collect the evidence the Social Security Administration needs to award your benefits, including information from doctors, former employers and witnesses to testify on your behalf. Your attorney will know what evidence is needed and have a plan for getting it in front of the Social Security judge.

  1. Representation at Your hearing

At your appeals hearing, your attorney can make both an opening statement and a closing argument and cross-examine any medical or other experts who have been called to oppose your claim.

  1. Providing Ongoing Legal Assistance

SSI claims are sometimes appealed all the way to the federal courts, and these complex appeals are best handled by an attorney well-versed in Social Security disability law.

Contact Our Illinois Disability Lawyers

So, we urge you not to apply on your own when applying for SSI assistance. Increase your chances for success by contacting Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates to schedule your free, initial case consultation.

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