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Compassionate Allowance program and the needs of the disabled

Published on April 18th, 2014

There have been a great number of complaints concerning Social Security disability insurance applicants have to wait in order to have their applications processed. However, the Compassionate Allowance program was put in place by the Social Security Administration in order that applicants with specific medical conditions can receive their SSDI benefits within 20 days.

Around 200,000 individuals are covered by this program. It now appears that even more individuals will be covered as 25 conditions have been added to the Compassionate Allowance program.

Conditions listed in the Compassionate Allowance program are disabilities or illnesses considered to be severe. Many conditions involve specific kinds of cancer. Others deal with issues concerning serious motor control issues.

Still, there are people suffering from a disability who are eligible for SSDI benefits – even if their condition is not listed in the Compassionate Allowance program. The application process may be more prolonged for those individuals, however.

Chicago residents that have applied for disability benefits already understand the frustrations that come along with the entire application process. The process is complex and many individual applicants are turned away because medical evidence supplied was not considered sufficient as proof of a disability. An appeal in turn requires a request for reconsideration, an appearance in front of an administrative judge and in some instances a hearing at a federal court. The compassionate allowance program in theory will save an applicant time by speeding up the process.

Recipients are not getting rich off of their SSDI benefits as the guidelines for qualification are strict. These people have previously earned their income and have contributed a great deal of money to the Social Security system. While the Compassionate Allowance program provides a lifeline for individuals that cannot just wait for their benefits, there are many other disabled individuals that also cannot wait.

Someone diagnosed with a condition not listed in the Compassionate Allowance program can still be suffering a dire disability. The consequences of such a disability can be traumatic for both the victim and a family member. Therefore they deserve the assistance of attorneys, administrators and judges in having their claims processed.

Source: Life Health Pro, “SSDI offers rapid decisions for more conditions,” Allison Bell, Jan. 23, 2014

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