Let’s say you’re a parent of a special needs child. Like most parents, you want the best for your child and would do anything for them to make sure that this happens. Although they may be collecting Supplemental Security Income benefits at this time, they are probably still financially dependant on you to provide them […]
White House asked to consider raising SSI limits in new budget
Posted on May 3rd, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin
It’s little surprise to a majority of people here in Illinois that as the years continue to tick by so too ticks up the rate of inflation. As the price for one good goes up, so do all the connected goods as well. Usually controlled by the Consumer Price Index, or CPI, it’s a fact […]
Non-citizens eligible for SSI benefits
Posted on January 4th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin
Despite the fact that the2012 presidential election is long behind us, many people in the United States-including some here in Illinois-are still feeling the effects of the contentions between political parties and their views on immigrant rights in America. But political allegiances aside, the Social Security Administration wants to stress that many immigrants-including some non-citizens […]