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What is Supplemental Security Income?

Posted on August 29th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

If you’re like a lot of our readers, then you’ve probably wondered what Supplemental Security Income is and who can apply for such benefits. Whether your questions about SSI came up because you heard it mentioned by someone else or are currently applying for disability benefits yourself, knowing what SSI is and how it can […]

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Some call on Congress to ‘scrap the cap’ on Social Security taxes

Posted on August 9th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

As many of our Illinois readers know, some of the benefits programs offered by the Social Security Administration are funded by payroll taxes from across the nation. But while the system is working, in theory, it’s hard not to notice that the programs are running short on money and relatively quickly. Some politicians feel that […]

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Will the DOMA decision affect SSI benefits for same-sex couples?

Posted on July 19th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

Whether you’re receiving Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, you probably already know that the amount of money you receive in benefits can change drastically depending on your marital status. Many know this because of a December 2003 study released by the Social Security Administration which determined that couples receiving SSI benefits who […]

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How your estate plan could affect your child’s SSI benefits

Posted on July 12th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

Let’s say you’re a parent of a special needs child. Like most parents, you want the best for your child and would do anything for them to make sure that this happens. Although they may be collecting Supplemental Security Income benefits at this time, they are probably still financially dependant on you to provide them […]

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Accusations of fraud make SSI collection hard for honest people

Posted on July 5th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

Readers of our blog know that there are certain social stigmas that are carried by people who take government assistance. Whether it’s Food Stamps or Social Security Disability, whether you need it mean little to the general population who often view these people as being leeches on the system or even faking it altogether. While […]

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