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Will the Affordable Care Act really help disabled people?

Posted on July 25th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

Controversy has been in a constant state of circulation ever since President Obama announced his plans to launch the Affordable Care Act. Touted as some to be the solution to the nation’s health care woes, others may not see it as helpful as it intends to be. This could be found to be especially true […]

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How disability claims are working their way through the system

Posted on June 28th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

It’s hard to find a news source that isn’t reporting on the Social Security Disability trust fund and its current state. That’s because, if the trust fund runs out–which it’s expected to in several short years–millions of beneficiaries will see their benefits decrease and several thousand more may see their applications and benefits denied altogether. […]

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American Medical Association officially says obesity is a disease

Posted on June 21st, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

While many beneficiaries of Social Security Disability benefits are well aware of the fact that obesity is considered a disabling disease, we simply had to wait for the rest of society to get on the same page. That happened this month when the American Medical Association announced that it would now officially recognize obesity as […]

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American Medical Association officially says obesity is a disease

Posted on June 21st, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

While many beneficiaries of Social Security Disability benefits are well aware of the fact that obesity is considered a disabling disease, we simply had to wait for the rest of society to get on the same page. That happened this month when the American Medical Association announced that it would now officially recognize obesity as […]

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How many people in Indiana are receiving disability benefits?

Posted on June 14th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

As many of our readers are already aware, the number of people filing for disability benefits is on the rise. While this may be because the Social Security Administration has made efforts to streamline the process, making for faster approval on applications, some point to other factors that may be contributing to the rise in […]

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