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Free parking for disabled people at meters restricted in Illinois

Posted on February 28th, 2014 by Jeff Rabin

In many cities, metered parking is free for drivers or passengers that have a disabled parking pass. This has made getting around easier for many people with disabilities, many of whom receive Social Security disability benefits, due to an inability to work. However, the trend in many metropolitan areas is to restrict or end the […]

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Are the disability courts in need of change? One judge says yes

Posted on February 14th, 2014 by Jeff Rabin

Last month, our blog discussed how hundreds of retired emergency responders in New York City are currently facing criminal charges for the fraudulent collection of disability benefits. Not surprisingly, this scandal has sparked an ongoing dialogue concerning what can be done to prevent this type of widespread fraud from reoccurring with the Social Security Disability […]

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Man wrongfully denied SSD benefits after being labeled an inmate

Posted on February 7th, 2014 by Jeff Rabin

The simple reality is that the overwhelming majority of people who receive Social Security disability benefits rely on their monthly checks to help cover their most basic living expenses. As such, any delay or denial of benefits can prove to be utterly devastating. What can make this situation all the more devastating, however, is when […]

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25 conditions added to Compassionate Allowances program

Posted on January 31st, 2014 by Jeff Rabin

Those who are relatively unfamiliar with the many processes and procedures surrounding the securing of Social Security disability benefits may be entirely unaware of the existence of the incredibly valuable Compassionate Allowances program. CAL was established by the Social Security Administration in recognition of the fact that some people are suffering from medical conditions so […]

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The importance of keeping an open mind about SSD benefits

Posted on January 17th, 2014 by Jeff Rabin

Over the last few weeks, the topic of Social Security disability benefits has been making headlines all over the nation. First, as we recently reported on our blog, news outlets were in a frenzy last week after hundreds of retired emergency responders in New York City were charged with fraudulently collecting disability benefits. Second, political […]

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