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Severe Headache Sufferers May Qualify for Disability Benefits

Posted on March 23rd, 2012 by Jeffrey Rabin

Headache sufferers in Chicago know how unbearable the pain can be. Severe headaches can make it almost impossible to do anything, and people may be unable to work. A new study suggests that headache sufferers may even be more prone to suicide. In fact, people who suffer migraines and severe headaches are four to six […]

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Sufferers of Rheumatoid Arthritis May be Eligible for Disability Benefits

Posted on March 15th, 2012 by Jeffrey Rabin

Social Security disability eligibility is limited to people who suffer from medical problems so severe that they are not able to perform work of any type. Applicants must provide medical documentation illustrating their inability to work for a period of time equaling, or expected to equal, 12 months. People in Illinois may be unaware that […]

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Changing the Way People Speak About Those with Disabilities

Posted on March 7th, 2012 by Jeffrey Rabin

Millions of people around the world have disabilities. In the United States, many of those with disabilities are able to receive assistance through Social Security Disability Insurance. Despite the large number of people with disabilities and the services that are available to them, some people have not changed the way they treat people with disabilities. […]

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Electronic SSD Benefits Could Negatively Impact Disability Recipients

Posted on March 1st, 2012 by Jeffrey Rabin

People who receive Social Security disability benefits in Illinois know how important those monthly payments are. For many, it is their only source of income. However, Social Security Disability benefits will soon be paid out electronically which could pose a serious problem for recipients who are behind on child support payments. In the past, people […]

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Individuals Seeking Appeal from SSD Denials at Record High

Posted on February 12th, 2012 by Jeffrey Rabin

An individual can apply for Social Security Disability when they have become unable to work whether it is due to illness or injury. In some instances, the Social Security Administration denies the applicant the benefits that they need. When this occurs, a person is not out of luck. They can appeal the decision. In fact, […]

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