From Social Security to Supplemental Security Income, just about everyone across the nation, including here in Illinois, are well aware of the Social Security Administration’s switch to direct deposit for just about every type of benefit. But while there are still some concerns over whether the switch will work as well as planned, the overall […]
How are people reacting to the new direct deposit system?
Posted on March 13th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin
How do I know if my mental impairment qualifies for SSD benefits?
Posted on March 1st, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin
We see this question come up time and time again from clients wondering if they are eligible for valuable disability benefits from the federal government. Because the Social Security system is so complex, the process can often times be frustrating-even for the most seasoned of people. To see how Social Security determines whether a mental […]
How do SSD benefits help people reaching retirement age?
Posted on February 22nd, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin
If you ask just about anyone in Illinois who has applied for Social Security benefits, they’ll more than likely tell you that the system is not only complicated, but frustrating as well. But to help cut through some of the confusion, we wanted to focus this week’s post on helping disabled people nearing retirement age […]
Mother appeals SSA decision to suspend SSI benefits for her and her children
Posted on February 1st, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin
A heart-wrenching story out of Florida reminds residents here in Illinois of how deeply mistakes made by the Social Security Administration can affect people. This is especially true if they take away benefits from people who need them the most. In November 2012, a 36-year-old mother received a letter from the Social Security Administration office […]
What effect does marriage have on SSD benefits?
Posted on January 18th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin
With talks about the Social Security gap widening, and questions rising about whether there will be enough money in the system in twenty years, many beneficiaries are now wondering whether a change in marital status could negatively affect their ability to receive benefits. The answer to this question is a little tricky because it depends […]