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Avoid These Common Disability Application Mistakes

Published on February 21st, 2018

Over two million people apply annually for disability and as many as 70 percent of these people are initially denied. The Social Security Administration cites many of these denials due to application mistakes. The good news? Our disability lawyers in Chicago are running through some of the top mistakes seen on applications.

Don’t File a Disability Claim While Working

While filing a disability claim while working isn’t technically against the rules, you likely will not be approved if you do so. It’s counterproductive to claim you need benefits because you’re unable to perform work activities while you’re still working.

Applying Too Soon Will Hurt Your Chances, Too

Your disabling condition must span at least 12 months or longer, so if you apply too soon, it’s harder to prove you’re suffering from a long-term or permanent disability. Only apply for benefits until it’s set in stone that your disability will last a year or more.

Don’t Assume the Consultative Exam Will Provide Enough Proof

The Social Security Administration will order a consultative exam, so you can prove your disabling condition. These rarely, if ever, provide sufficient evidence; the results from these ordered tests should be used in conjunction with other evidence.

Failing to Abide by Prescribed Treatments is Another Mistake

It’s always best to follow all of your doctor’s recommended treatments. Failing to do this will look like you are trying to interfere with the severity of your condition and backfire when applying for disability.

Finally, Hire Legal Representation for Your Appeal

This is where we come in. We pride ourselves on being experienced disability lawyers in the Chicago area and we consider ourselves an important aspect in your appeal. We can significantly increase your chance of being awarded disability by representing you legally.

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